20 July 2013

First things first ...

So, a lot has happened over the last few months and there are many, many things I need to show you and tell you about however I know I won't be forgiven if I leave this new addition to our lives until much later -

It's been a lot of fun watching her over the last two weeks as she settles in and gets to know us, the dogs and the house. I'm sure there will be many more (and better) photos to come.


  1. Is that cutie even real??! It looks like she's part of the pillow. Squeeeeeee be still my heart!

    1. She sure is ... proved it by weeing on the bed this morning, grrrr! Hard to stay angry at such a teeny ball of fluff though.

  2. OMG! So cute! I am only just catching up on reading blogs as the RSS reader I was using has had issues, so I am a bit behind.
    But, congratulations on your new arrival, she looks just gorgeous.

    1. She is just adorable. Still working on getting some better photos of her but she doesn't stay in one place long enough at the moment.
