24 July 2013

Breathing Deep ...

Sorting through my photos I came across this little collection, taken when I was home sick a few weeks ago.

I was feeling pretty sorry for myself but Winter hadn't quite hit yet so I forced myself outside. About an hour later I stopped, took a deep breath and looked around me.

In front Astro's Garden, on my lap holiday planning.

Nutmeg on my left.

Samson on my right.

Blue sky above.

Much better for heart, mind and body than curling up on the couch feeling sorry for myself.


  1. Oh no you poor thing! How are you feeling now? Are you still sick? Get better soon :)

    1. I'm all good now, thanks. Although it hit me hard at the time I actually got over it comparitively quickly, another nice benefit of being less stressed and less run down with the new job.

  2. I hope you are feeling a lot better today :)

    How cute are the doggies! :D

    1. Cheers, thank you! Much, much better these days ... although some more of that blue sky would be nice.

      Yes, we got pretty lucky with those two, althought that's definitely not Samson's best angle :)

  3. Naw, I'm glad you found things to cheer you up. Holiday planning, pets and blue sky... nice!

    1. Thank you, it's certainly been refreshing to feel good these days.

  4. Planning is always cheery. So good to take a few moments to look around and breathe in deep - what a beautiful world, even just in our backyards:)

    1. It is isn't it?! I will enjoy planning for that particular holiday more though once things are a bit more definite, at the moment it's still a fair amount of dreaming.

      I was particularly glad that day that we had put a bit of effort into finally getting that backyard in order ... it would not have been so enjoyable a year ago.

  5. Hope you are feeling a lot better now! Love sitting in the sunshine :D

    1. Much better, although ridiculously tired. Looking forward to more sunshine ... a bit of warmth wouldn't go astray either :)
