19 July 2013

Because I don't want to be a Fruit Fly anymore ...

I am challenging myself to a month of 'machiatto' posts -
30 days, 100 words or less, 4 photos or less.

Because I have too much going on in my head.

Because I need to reconnect with this lovely bloggy community.

Because 'latte' posts (you know, the long in depth ones that require you to sit and stop)
are overwhelming at the moment.

Because I've had enough of feeling like a fruit fly ...


 I hope it works and I hope you enjoy.


  1. Welcome back!
    I have missed your posts.
    On a side note, I am hopefully going to finally check out Barclay's in Heathmont for breakfast tomorrow morning. You recommended it to me ages ago.

    1. Daw, thank you. I've missed being here.

      Oh dear, now I'm nervous ... hopefully you enjoy :)

  2. Welcome back!! And I can't wait to read about your Sydney adventures too! :D

    1. That's actually one of the (many) reasons I've become so keen to get caught up on my back log ... I want to be able to post about Sydney as it happens, or close to, not six months later!

  3. Sydney adventures?! Do tell:)
