15 June 2012

a reminder ...

found here

So, um, yeah ... I'm still here.
Just working through some stuff at the moment.
I'll be back next week, I promise.


  1. So true, I worry often and my boyfriend thinks it is mostly pointless (and he is right).

    1. It's funny, 99% of the time this is my attitude about worrying and I wonder why other people spend so much time doing it. This morning however when this popped up in my Reader it just hit me right between the eyes ... very, very timely.

  2. I guess that explains why I've been so dreadfully busy doing nothing over the past five months:( Inside, though, I already knew this.

    1. I think on some level we're all already aware of this, it just spoke to me so loudly when I read it that I figured there'd be at least one someone else out there who could do with the reminder too. I know you're hanging out for a job and probably don't need to be reminded of this anyway but ... enjoy the time out while you have it, you'll miss it when it's gone (or maybe I'm just suffering from a bit of 'grass is always greener' at the moment :))
