25 May 2012

Bits and Pieces of This and That

We were supposed to be going bushwalking tomorrow, we're not anymore -

(its been raining for hours!)

Part of me thinks this is awesome, another feels that perhaps it's a bit wastefu. Your thoughts?

Came across this morning, very tempted to print it, frame it and hang it on my wall!

found here

and lastly, because no Friday is complete without sharing at least one photo of one of our pets -

All together now ... awwwww


  1. aaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwww, I just want to snuggle with him!
    Have a great weekend.

    1. He makes a good hot water bottle substitute at the moment.
      Cheers, you too (inside though I think)!


    And my vote is for wasteful. Cool, but wasteful. Urgh conflicting emotions!

    1. Conflicting is exactly right - my head nearly burst going backwards and forwards on whether or not to even post about it because of the conflicting feelings I had!

  3. Aww!

    Such quaint town names on the frightening weather map. I must visit to experience this quaintness myself!

    Wasteful, unless they're going to let people sit there and gnaw on it.

    1. You would have enjoyed the drive we went on on Saturday - we passed through or saw signs to Koo Wee Rup, Nar Nar Goon, Bunyip, Garfield, Labertouche and Drouin on our way to Warragul ... all real names for real places! Yes, yes you must come see the quaintness and the fabulous flora for yourself.

    2. Nar Nar Goon sounds like something I'd enjoy eating:)

  4. I love the way that cats lie like that! :D

    1. I must remember to do a post one day of some of the less traditional ways that he sleeps!

  5. But why can't someone just drop our dreams in our laps? :( Teehee!

  6. I will join in that 'Awwwwwww'! What a little cutie! What's his/her name?

    We had some crazy weather down in Adelaide this weekend, too- lots of much needed rain. I don't mind the cold, crisp weather, but rain isn't my favourite. I guess I got my fill of it spending most of my youth living in Vancouver (which was a rainforest before it got cut down to be a city!).

    I hope you stayed dry!!

    1. I may be biased but he is quite adoreable. His name's Astro.

      Managed to stay mostly dry so that was okay, it just meant staying inside more than we'd hoped. When it comes down to it I don't actually mind either the cold or the rain, it's both together that get me down. A good, warm, summer rain on the other hand I absolutely love.
