29 July 2011

I am a Geek ...

For the record, this is what a Brisbane Broncos beanie looks like -

(found here)  
I know this, I spent my first 13 years living in two rugby loving states and barracked for the Broncos right up until Melbourne Storm came along.

I also knew full well that the game I was going to Friday night was Storm v Broncos.

So, what does all this sport talk have to do with me being a Geek? As we were walking through the stadium trying to find our seats we ended up behind a young girl with one of those beanies on, my first thought ...


Told you I was a Geek :)

26 July 2011


Friday was a day of bits and pieces, no real set exercise or work out but a lot of 'running around'. I am trying not to count the incidental, everyday walking I do (to the bus stop, from work to the bank and back again etc) even though most days this adds up to kilometres worth of extra walking not just metres.

Friday however there was the normal incidental walking plus the running around so, I'm counting the extra stuff:

 - given I slept in, didn't work out and got the bus instead of walking to the train station I decided to get off one stop early once I was in the city and walked, up hill to the office. It's only an extra half a km but it was better than nothing;

 - two x 1km round trips for work; and then

 - after work I met up with The Sparky and some friends, walked 3km from work to AAMI Park to watch Melbourne Storm v Brisbane Broncos then another 3km back again to the car.

Saturday - goodness, for a day with no plans it ended up being very busy. Ended up squeezing in a walk home from my baby bro's place, only 2km but better than nothing!

Sunday - 20 min dog walk.

Monday - suffered severely from Mondayitiss ...  slept in, caught the bus, went to be early! Will try not to let that happen again.

Tuesday - slept in again today but did a 10 min workout anyway. Somehow still managed to get myself ready pretty much on time so I walked to the station and then got off one stop early as well. Will be walking from the station to the in-laws tonight but that will be all as dinner out will mean we don't get home until late.

Phew, glad to get this one out of drafts finally!

25 July 2011

Friday Night Lights

Friday night saw us at AAMI Park with friends watching Melbourne Storm trounce Brisbane Broncos.

They took their time about it but after an equal score at half time they ended up winning 26 to 6!

(photos straight from my new phone, still getting used to it but I think it's gonna be handy)

22 July 2011

When the power goes out ...

... be very grateful for:

- a silly amount of unused candles to light the dinner table

- a gas cooktop and camp lamp, without which dinner would not have been possible

- a husband with a love of good quality tools (and a need for them for work), including a super power torch that stands on its own

- fancy toys like an iPhone and iPad so that alarms for the morning can still be set

And then, when the power is still out the next morning be especially thankful for the gas hot water service that means you still get to have a hot shower before work!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

21 July 2011


Day 2 PM - 30 min power walk

Day 3 AM - Forced myself out of bed early again for another 10 Min Solution (found out that it's really difficult to do floor work with an affectionate cat!) then left home early and walked to the train station (15 mins). Note to self - the small, close train station isn't that far away and catching a bus to the one further away should only happen on rainy days.

So far, so good :)

20 July 2011


Day 1 PM

Setting - Manual
Time - 30 mins

Day 2 AM

Nuthin' - slept in :(

Stayed up way too late listening to the end of the 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' audiobook. This wouldn't have been a problem as we get a slight sleep in on Wednesdays normally. I figured I'd turn off the early alarm, get up normal time and all would be good. Should have told The Sparky! He very nicely changed the normal alarm to late when we realised how late the last chapter would go ... will have to make sure that I get something in tonight.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

19 July 2011

30 Day Challenge - Day 1 AM

Ok, this is it! I've set myself a challenge to exercise at least once a day (preferably twice), every day for the next 30 days. I don't plan to worry about the numbers at all at this stage, although that may change. All I want to do for the moment is set the habit.

Started off well this morning. Got up 20 mins earlier than normal and did a 10 Minute Solution workout. Had some spare time once the lunches were packed so I also took the dogs for a relief walk up to the park (poor things normally only get let out to the front garden in the morning these days), roughly 10 minutes too with a jog along the road up and back.

Not much I know by a lot of standards but it's a start.

18 July 2011

Ummm .... ooops!

A few months ago I entered myself into The Age Run Melbourne 10K run. Seemed like a good idea at the time - I'd enjoyed doing it last year and this year decided to give myself a decent amount of time to train. The training didn't really happen the way I had planned but nevertheless I was still going to try, I'd survived last year with little training so I knew I could do it I just wasn't going to be breaking any records! I can handle that.

Fast forward to this Sunday morning, I'm at the dining table reading the paper and see an ad congratulating everyone - it had been on that morning and I'd completely missed it! Still not sure how I managed to lose track of what week it was and am feeling a little stupid at the moment, also rather miffed about the registration fee that I've thrown away and annoyed that I now have to get the timing chip back to avoid a further fee.

So, I'm still far from being one of those people, but I'm going to keep working on it!

16 July 2011


I've just got myself set up in a new iPad app and I can finally upload photos!!

Took this photo weeks ago out the front of our house to test the transfer of photos from camera to iPad but haven't been able to upload it. The tree is now completely bare, just in time to let in a little winter sun.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad