30 April 2013

Summer Dreaming

Sunset over the Timor Sea, Darwin 2007


  1. I reckon I have a very similar picture form Darwin! Just lovely.

    On another note, do you have a feed set up for any readers? I find it so much easier to keep up with blogs when I can see them through my reader :)

    1. It was one of the nicest sunsets I've ever seen.

      I'm not sure if the 'subscribe' button on the right is any help to you. Google Reader has worked well for me because I can just copy and paste a blog's address into it and it does the rest of the work ... sadly it's going soon.

      Sorry, that wasn't much help, was it ...

    2. Ok, I must be totally crazy cause I swear I was trying to find you in Google Reader for AGES and never could. Now I've just gone in again and there you are! Subscribed now and looking forward to catching your posts regularly again.

  2. Replies
    1. We were very fortunate that our one evening there was so nice.

  3. Replies
    1. I'm not 100% sure anymore whether I need to pass credit for that one to The Sparky or not ... I do like the effect of the leaves in it though.

  4. MUAHHH!

    That was a kiss I just blew to summer. I love you, summer. I'll see you soon!

    1. MUAHH!

      That was me kissing Summer goodbye for at least the next four months :) It'll be back though so I will try to restrain my complaints for at least another week or two ;)
