26 September 2012

Saturday drive, somewhere between Chum Creek and Toolangi ... bliss!


  1. hehe, Chum Creek. teehee, Toolangi.


    1. As soon as I saw the sign for Toolangi I knew I'd have to incorporate it into the post for you :)

  2. Looks like bliss...the sun shining between the trees, an afternoon drive. I like it!
    Thank you for "re-finding" my blog. I must admit, I am having some troubles following some blogger blogs I used to follow (eg. yours) and I don't get the same notifications when you post!
    Hope you're doing well...and enjoying the spring weather in Melbourne :)

    1. It was one of those rare days when the weather was beautiful, the house was clean and we were both happy and able to get out for a few hours. Spring still hasn't quite decided whether it's here or not but the good days are really good and they are getting more frequent.

      It struck me a couple of times that I hadn't heard from you for a while but took me longer that it should have to realise that that was because you'd moved, not because you'd stopped posting (duh!).
