I've been having a bit of fun playing with some of the, let's say more obscure, photos that The Sparky took while we were away. This one in particular from the Cinque Terre catches my eye every time I scroll through the collection -
I think I prefer the more rustic look of the one below that's been 'played' with.
What do you think?
you lucky duck, you've won the giveaway over at My Poppet, can you drop me an email with your deets so I can pass them onto MoonmuM
ReplyDeletex cinti
cinti at mypoppet.com.au
Well that's unexpected and exciting! I'll be in touch :)
DeleteDefinitely the second one, because my first thought upon looking at the first photo was that this wa sa photo of poo. I'm sorry!
ReplyDeleteDon't apologise, one of the reasons I started playing with the colours on it was because that's what I kept seeing too - it had so much potential if only you could get past that. At least in the bottom one you can actually see a rusty chain!
DeleteMy brain is so autmatically tuned to food, that on first glanced I thought they were lobster shells! Alas....
ReplyDeleteI do like the second one better :)
Lobster shells?! That's definitely better than what Hannah and I where seeing :)