Okay, so I'm the first to admit that I haven't got off to a good start insofar as writing about these manifestos goes, given that it is already two weeks since my
last post and there was perhaps some inference that it would be a weekly thing ...
That said, I'm feeling a little pleased with myself about how I've gone with actually doing the things I said I would do. In review:
1 - I walked to the train station three times the first week and four the second. Not quite every day but Melbourne turned on the water works a couple of times (and one day in particular I had a really good reason for not wanting to spend the day in mud splashed pants). If I can keep up an average of three times a week I'll be very happy;
2 - honestly, I actually forgot about the stairs a lot at first but now I'm using them on at least half of the times that I go downstairs, again if that's an average I can keep up long term then I'll be happy;
3 - the before work thing has actually been a lot harder to get back into than I thought it would. I have done a lot more exercise on the weekends and in the evenings but I do really need to get the morning thing happening again;
4 - which brings us to the alarm situation, yes I have as declared been setting the alarm for 5:30 ... I haven't yet been able to get myself out of bed then though. I'll keep working on that one;
5 - done and done!! Not actually lodged yet but sitting there ready to go ... so, so happy to get that off the list.
it is slowly becoming light in the morning while I wait for the train |
So, that's the past two weeks done and dusted. The next two weeks will actually be divided into three sections, Monday to Friday pre-holiday, Saturday to Friday holiday and Friday afternoon to Sunday post-holiday. Given that there's a good chance that the best I'll be able to manage while I'm away will be to upload a few scenic photos, and at the risk of putting you all to sleep before the end of the page, I'm going to put them all out there now.
Pre-Holiday I will ...
1 - make our work lunches the night before;
2 - go for a walk in my lunch break;
3 - breathe deep ... not metaphorically but actually, physically breathe deep and strong. I'm told it's good for you;
4 - clean the house ready for the cat-sitter to stay; and
5 - plan and pack (guarantee you this won't happen until Friday!).
During Holiday I will ...
1 - rest;
2 - relax;
3 - read;
4 - write; and
5 - walk.
(Okay, I admit that's cheating a little but it does all go towards helping me to be healthier I promise!)
Post-Holiday I will ...
1 - create an exercise plan;
2 - create an eating plan;
3 - empty the ironing basket;
4 & 5 - cross two more major, but at the moment unexplainable, items off my long term to do list.
my way of apologising for inundating you with too many words ... |