23 April 2012

Awwww shucks ...

Every now and then, maybe once a year, a client will acknowledge the work I've done in a rather nice way ...

I've never been particularly good at taking compliments, in fact I don't know too many people who are, and even when someone says a simple 'thanks' to me over the phone I have a tendency to respond that I'm just doing my job.

So, when I receive something like this on one hand I'm always a little embarrassed and not quite sure how to respond, on the other hand - I'm pretty chuffed, the gift to me is more in the ability that this bunch of flowers has to make me smile during the day that it is in the flowers themselves.

Here's to learning how to take a compliment gracefully! (I might just get there one day)


  1. Thats so sweet and pretty! I wish I had people give me flowers for the work I do :P

    1. It's a very rare occurrence, but that makes it all the more special.

  2. Wow, look at that. Nice vegetable/flower hybrid bouquet!

    1. I have to admit, the cabbage-like ones are my favourites :)
