18 August 2011


Goodness, I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted my progress, if progress it can be called! This'll be stretching the memory banks but here goes:

Day 16 - 10min dog walk

Day 17 - 20min yoga

Day 18 - 20min dog walk

Day 19 - 10km round trip from our accommodation into Bright and back again, plus a wander around town. 20min yoga late afternoon - needed that stretch!

Day 20 - may or may not have ended up doing nothing, even the dogs were tuckered after our short weekend away

Day 21 - 20min dog walk

Day 22 - long walk with dogs and the Sparky, approx 45-50 mins

Day 23 - 20min yoga

Day 24 - 15min dog walk (am), 30 min treadmill (pm)

Day 25 - 15 min dog walk

Day 26 - walking, walking, walking

Day 27 - 20min yoga

Day 28 - 2x1.5km treadmill jogs (split due to time restraints)

Day 29 - 20min yoga

Day 30 - 3km treadmill walk/jog. Had planned a jog/run however I started far too soon after dinner and began to feel sick very quickly. Instead of stopping however (which I would have done even only a few weeks ago) I just slowed down and kept going.

Can't believe that's it, 30 days been and gone and I did do something on almost every day (even though on some it wasn't much). I've now started a mini running training schedule ... I may or may not bore you with it :)


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