30 August 2011

The Sparky and Samson

just about almost my most favouritist photo of all time

29 August 2011


A few weekends ago we made our way to Bright for a family mini-holiday with almost all of The Sparky's family.

came across this guy while out walking

It was fun, sunshiny and (of course) too short but we all had a lot of fun - dogs included!

the fog covered the mountains for hours

Unfortunately all of the lovely Spring-like weather we had been having meant that there was not much snow and those who were hoping to ski were disappointed.

this rooster and his harem were wandering around the deer and emu farm

Can't have been too bad though, we hadn't even left when the talk of going back again started!

also at the deer and emu farm - all photos taken on my phone

26 August 2011


Throwing yourself down a hill strapped into a giant plastic ball ...

Crazy? Yes, but I'd do it again.

25 August 2011

Old Photos and New Toys

I have started loading photo aps onto the iPad in anticipation of our upcoming holiday. I'll be playing with the new toys for a bit which means a few old travel photos will be making there way here.

The following is from a trip to Cairns a few years ago ... I can't believe how close we got without it taking off on us!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

18 August 2011


Goodness, I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted my progress, if progress it can be called! This'll be stretching the memory banks but here goes:

Day 16 - 10min dog walk

Day 17 - 20min yoga

Day 18 - 20min dog walk

Day 19 - 10km round trip from our accommodation into Bright and back again, plus a wander around town. 20min yoga late afternoon - needed that stretch!

Day 20 - may or may not have ended up doing nothing, even the dogs were tuckered after our short weekend away

Day 21 - 20min dog walk

Day 22 - long walk with dogs and the Sparky, approx 45-50 mins

Day 23 - 20min yoga

Day 24 - 15min dog walk (am), 30 min treadmill (pm)

Day 25 - 15 min dog walk

Day 26 - walking, walking, walking

Day 27 - 20min yoga

Day 28 - 2x1.5km treadmill jogs (split due to time restraints)

Day 29 - 20min yoga

Day 30 - 3km treadmill walk/jog. Had planned a jog/run however I started far too soon after dinner and began to feel sick very quickly. Instead of stopping however (which I would have done even only a few weeks ago) I just slowed down and kept going.

Can't believe that's it, 30 days been and gone and I did do something on almost every day (even though on some it wasn't much). I've now started a mini running training schedule ... I may or may not bore you with it :)

12 August 2011

02 August 2011


Day 9 - Yet another sleep in (must stop staying up so late), power walking in the afternoon

Day 10 - Stretches and jogging in the evening. Lazy me is starting to take control again, must fight back!

Day 11 - Walking, walking, walking ...

Day 12 - 10M solution, 30 mins on exercise bike, 30 mins on treadmill. Much better! :)

Day 13 - 3km walk jog outside! Just as I had become comfortable with the idea that a wet, cold Melbourne winter is not the right time to push myself to run on the road I woke up to a sunny morning with almost dry roads so I got out there and gave it a go. So glad that I did!

Day 14 - morning walk/jog with the dogs

Day 15 - morning walk/jog with the dogs, hopefully more to report this afternoon