02 August 2013

Oh no! I was doing so well ...

Apparently the internet monsters have eaten the posts I had scheduled for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Please enjoy this photograph of the Natural Arch taken on our recent(ish) trip to the Gold Coast while I try to work out what's going on behind the scenes here.


  1. Oh no! I hope you manage to resolve this issue :(

    For all the times I've been to the Gold Coast, I've yet to visit the Springbrook region. Might organise a hike there the next time I'm up!

    1. It was the first time we'd been there ourselves. The Natural Arch loop is a short easy walk (which was fine with us because it was a drizzly, cold, miserable day) but really pretty. If you drive out the back way from the Coast the drive is quite nice too.

  2. internet gremlins are the worst!
    gorgeous shot!

    1. Considering it was taken with our little 'point and shoot' from the inside of the cave I'm fairly impressed it came out at all! The Sparky's steady hand and patience have a lot to do with it I think :)

  3. Oh no you poor thing! That's so annoying that the internet ate them. But it's a beautiful photo! :D

    1. I think I'm most annoyed because I actually was organised and sticking to my guns on the challenge (admittedly self set, but still) ... now I've not only lost my posts but my ooomph as well.

      Apparently if you get to the cave early evening it's full of glow worms which would be stunning, albeit very difficult to photograph.

  4. Oh no! *shakes fist at internet monsters* I hope you get it all sorted soon with minimal damage. But that Natural Arch looks like a beautiful place. x

    1. Thanks, I still have no idea what happened but I think it's over now ... just about to do a test run.

      It really was quite a nice little walk and very pretty :)
