27 March 2013

Mystery Solved

But first, a reminder of what mystery plant looked like a few weeks ago ...

... and now ...

... I can't even fit it into one photo!

For all the space it's taking up, it has only managed to produce three butternut pumpkins ...
they had better be good for all of the inconvenience this plant is causing us at the moment.

(Yes, Samson likes to know exactly what I'm up to when I'm outside)

It's just about time to start planting some more seeds, the golden nugget pumpkin,
the cucumbers and the zucchini have all given up for the year ...
there's still a bit going on though, certainly enough to keep up entertained ...

... we have tomatoes finally starting to ripen ...

... mini capsicum (bouncing back after the possum attacks) ...

... one lonesome corn and The Sparky's beloved long sought Christmas Bell chilli ...

... and last but not least, the Harbanero is finally fruiting as well.

25 March 2013

So Far, So Good

Blue skies, sunshine, happy dogs ...

... I think I could get used to doing our morning walk after the sun has risen.

18 March 2013

For your Monday

Just a small reminder that change is good ...

14 March 2013

In honour of my last day working in the City

Three things I do now that I didn't do before ...
  1. Look both ways before crossing a one way street - I came pretty close to being hit by a cyclist going the wrong way one day.
  2. Keep an eye on the traffic, even when crossing the road with the lights - again with the nearly being hit! The worst time (yes, it's happened more than once) I was more than half way across, so the lights had been red for a long time, when a 4WD came flying through and had to swerve to miss me.
  3. Stand on the left side on an escalator, walk fast/run down the right side - this should be a thing everywhere.

Three things I won't miss ...
  1. All things relating to public transport - the feeling of being herded like cattle through gates when leaving a city station; slow and cancelled trains when it's too hot, too cold, too wet, bats fly into the wires, grass fires mess up the signals, thunder storms mess up the signals (etc etc etc); crowded trains whenever any of these events occur and a new ticket system that doesn't work properly, just to name a few.
  2. Getting through security at the various courts - I understand it's necessary but the guys at one of the courts in particular are just plain rude about it all. The others are generally friendly enough and I have become more used to it over time but I'm still not going to miss it.
  3. Elevators - like a lot of things, this comes back to my mild claustrophobia and panic attacks but I will be very, very glad to not have to travel in a lift multiple times a day.

Three things I will miss ...
  1. The views - roughly once a week I will find myself in an office that is ten or more stories up with fantastic views out to the mountains, over one of the parks or across the bay. These offices of course have floor to ceiling glass windows and I am more than happy to spend my time waiting looking out of them.
  2. The architecture - yes, I find the concrete jungle rather oppressive at times but if I keep my eyes open and focus the little snippets of gorgeous architecture around I realise that it really is a rather beautiful place to wander.
  3. Last, but certainly not least (in fact probably the most), coffee - the little corner of suburbia that I'm heading to does have two cafes across the road but at the moment I have no idea what sort of coffee they serve up. I have definitely been spoilt for choice in my time in the city and will miss the quality and variety.

13 March 2013

A Horse on the Beach and a Kangaroo on the Rocks

* despite not taking a camera with me I still have approximately forty photos
from the two days we were away so rest assured there will be more to follow ...

07 March 2013

See for yourself

Okay, generally speaking, I'm not a big fan of just giving you a link and saying "head over there and see for yourself" however, do yourself a favour and head over here and see for yourself.

06 March 2013

Happy as a Pig in Mud ...

... or in this case a dog in wet, sandy, oh-my-goodness-I-can't-breath-stinky muck ...

(he's not looking quite as happy now as when he did it 'coz he knows the hose is coming).